Thursday, November 26, 2009

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Can you tell me how can I make my hair grow faster without putting extensions to my hair? And if I add extentions, are they bad for your hair?

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Prenteal hair vitamins make ur hair grow faster...u can purchase them anywhere....they're really healthy too and wont harm you

How can I make my hair grow faster?

take prenatal vitamins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can I make my hair grow faster?

They have hair growth supplement pills that you can buy. Just search Google and you'll find them. I thought about getting some myself.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

or just take viagra dont ask anyone but it is a sevret hair growth pill muahahaha, that was nesseserry.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

drink lots of water and eat lots of dairy products and meat,

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Water it twice a day.


getting it trimmed now and then helps.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

I don't think there is a way unless you get hair extensions, of hair plugs! But the best of luck to you, and I hope that someone else can get you the right information!

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Keep your split ends trimmed. Your hair grows 1/2" per month if your split ends are kept up.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Vitamin E it grows the hair and nails. I'm not sur ewhy I know this.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

If you have thin or damaged hair dont use extensions - they will f*ck up your hair. If you have good hair then you can use them but not all the time. The only thing that actually makes your hair grow faster is being in the sun - but thats not good for your skin so...

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Ok. This is going to sound really weird but it works. A while back I wanted to make my hair longer FAST and I was debating extensions. But then a lady at my dad's office told me that eating J-ELLO makes your hair grow faster. She said that when she was younger she and her sisters used to use this trick all the time. Now the thing is that you have to eat a LOT of J-ELLO. Around one packet a day. It made my hair grow twice as fast so it may work for you! Apparently it's the gelatin in the J-ELLO that makes hair grow fast.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

By cutting it, believe it or not! My wife is an award winning Hairdresser and she maintains that if you trim dead ends regularly and keep your hair healthy, it grows quicker!

How can I make my hair grow faster?

extensions ARE bad for your hair...

-give yourself scalp massages

-brush your hair alot (so there is never any knots or tangles)

-rinse with cold water

-cut off dead/split ends

How can I make my hair grow faster?

vitamin B

An interesting fact about Vitamin B: Certain experiments were conducted with rats and they were fed with food that lacked magnesium supplements. It was found that they lost their hair in bunches and when they were provided with a low biotin diet they turned hairless. But to the surprise of all, their hair returned when they were fed with food rich in Vitamin B. Similar studies were conducted on men and it was found that Vitamin B enriches the quality of hair.

The body also requires Vitamin A. Fatty acids such as primrose

oil, flaxseed oil or salmon oil need to be consumed for enhancing hair growth.

Vitamin E is meant for stimulating the oxygen intake in the body and improves the blood circulation. If there is proper blood circulation, hair growth is enhanced.

Vitamin C assists the normal functioning of capillaries that carries the blood to the scalp. Even zinc is an important supplement, which should be consumed as it assists hair growth.

Biotin is necessary for hair growth. There are many sources of biotin such as brewer's yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. It is present in some shampoos, so you can use shampoos, which contain biotin. It is advised to consult a physician before taking any vitamins or medications for hair growth.

i hope i helped cause some of these answers are dumb, for real. jello?? naw he trna make u look like a fool. and for the girl who didnt know why did u even bother answering. man!! well anyway hope i helped. holla

DONT TAKE DA PREGNANT PILLS!! u'll feel funny and retain water and my friend did it and it was not a very good experience for her. she start feeling like she was having a baby but she hadn't had sex for 6 months so she knew she wasnt pregnant.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

There is no natural way to make your hair grow faster, sorry. What will slow down growth thow is if you brush your hair when it's wet with a regular brush. Hair extensions are not bad for your hair, but they kinda fall out easily if you get cheap ones or don't take care of them.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Cut your hair more often (I know it sound weird), and ingest more protein.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

I had a friend tell me that if u brush your hair about 100 strokes or more, then it would get all the dead hair out and help it grow which it does i've tried it, it helps. And as far as getting extensions i'm not too sure if that hurts your hair or not but I wouldn't want to try them. Well I hope I helped.

How can I make my hair grow faster?

you cannot actually do anything to make your hair grow faster, but you can avoid some of the things that slow it down: a poor hair care regimen, poor diet, illness, medication, male and female pattern hair loss, and emotional stress.

I frequently hear of people taking pre natal pills to make their hair grow faster, even men. The reason that an expecting mother's hair may grow slower or faster has to do with hormonal activity and not the pills. So please, stop doing that

Also, extentions should not hurt your hair if they are put on correctly. However, heavy extentions, that are too long, may damage the natural hair by pulling on it. So, just keep them at a normal length. =)

How can I make my hair grow faster?

go to walmart in the dietary supplement isle . Get prenatal pills and then there are also pills just for hair and nails . If you have problems ask the pharmacist they will help . I think the prenatal would work faster if you have a really good diet and eat right . Also go to Reggis Hair salon. and buy there olive oil shampoo and condition line . That will help and make your hair very shiney and healthy .

If you don't have a Reggis salon . put in 1/4 cup olive oil in your hair make sure it is wet . wrap in towel . Go to bed and the next morning wash it out extremely good .

Also you should strip your hair once every 3 months to get the bad oils out . Do this by mixing baking soda in your shampoo and then scrub real good and rinse . Then use a really good conditioner . Do the olive oil treatment once a week . If you want you could get away doing it once a month if your hair is already pretty silky . Also I was just reading the other answers . Jello will help so if you want to add that to your diet as well as all this stuff you should be able to tell a difference in 3-6 months .

How can I make my hair grow faster?

If you ask me, growing your hair faster will create errors in your life. It doesn't matter how you look, but how you treat others. You have to be confident enough to let people know you are happy the way you are. Nobody should judge someone by their looks!

How can I make my hair grow faster?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth, information %26amp; review are at:

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