Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do people get such long hair.??

okay everyone has different growth patterns but when i see girls with really really long hair i want that, and i want to know how their hair gets that long. right now my hair is past my shoulders and im trying for mid back? how to get long hair. and i hate extensions. i mean like real natural long hair.

How do people get such long hair.??

just keep growing your hair out and make sure to trim it about every 2 months for healthy looking hair. it will take at least few months but just be patient. i also heard that putting your hair up will make it grow faster but im not too sure about this one.

How do people get such long hair.??

they dont cut it and they keep it healthy. Your hair grows about 6 inches a year (1/2 each month) but thats only if you keep it healthy. meaning no perms, relaxers, straightening tools etc.

How do people get such long hair.??

i have pretty long hair (past my belly button lol) but i hate it bc it takes forever to style it and im thinking about cutting most of it off but everyone wants long hair so idk??

um to answer your question, yes do not get extensions, just wait a year and it will be really long (at least for me it did)

How do people get such long hair.??

my hair goes all the way down my back, and the only thing i did was just let it grow naturally. And then every few months cut the split ends off. I never cut alot off, just alittle. My mom says if you just cut off split ends it keeps your hair healthy and it grows better.

How do people get such long hair.??

It just takes time. You'll get there, just take care of your hair and do as little damage to it as possible. If you are not already taking vitamins you might want to try that.

How do people get such long hair.??

First of all, you have to understand that not everyone can grow really long hair. The reason is genetic: you hair follicle contains genetic info and will only grow to a certain length. Once it reaches its maximum growth, it will stay dormant and finally fall off. Your best bet would be to take care of your hair (use moisturising creams and avoid hot tools basically) and trimming it a couple centimeters every 3-4 months. And now is the best time to grow your hair: hair grows faster in winter. Protect it from the elements when you go out too (cold dry air and wind ain't good!). Good luck! :)

How do people get such long hair.??

Genetics ... my mom has long hair plus i have alot of native american blood so i get my hair from that. and if you trim your edges regularly they will grow out healthier. my peepz on my dad's side have medium length/long hair too

How do people get such long hair.??

grow it out?

How do people get such long hair.??

my hair is down to my butt and dont cut yur hair or something let it grow.

How do people get such long hair.??

It sounds crazy, but just don't cut it. Lots of other things help too. Never blow dry or use any heat on your hair, wash your hair less frequenty. Take great care not to break your hair when combing and detangling. Waist length hair has to last 4 or 5 years, so start taking care of it NOW. Although genetics plays a part, almost everyone who is healthy can grow mid back length hair. Most can grow it much longer.

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