Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wetting hair that is cornrowed?

i am fixing on getting cornrows on my platnium blonde hair with yaki braiding extensions to lengthen the braid on my shoulder lenghth hair... this has been done to me before with exceptional results, and i find my natural hair grows faster when braided. my question is, can one swim or even wet the cornrows when put in? and if not, how to keep them from smelling "gamey" after a while... you all have been tremendous help before and i thank you in advance.....anna

Wetting hair that is cornrowed?

Yes you can get them wet. After washing your hair with them in or getting them wet use a light hair wax (sounds bad but it isn't) on them to keep the little freys or strays from becomming a fly away annoiance. They make a lot of products that are for your hair when in braids like that. Try a beauty supply shop (the stores that acctually sell to salons) in your area and ask them what they suggest. They normally are not expensive and are a great help with a wide variety of expertise and items.

Wetting hair that is cornrowed?

Yes you can wet cornrows and if you don't want them to smell quote unquote gamey, don't leave them up for a long period of time.

Wetting hair that is cornrowed?

of course, you can get any style of braids wet, but it's really hard to keep it looking decent after it gets wet. You should try using oil to put in your parts to keep it from smelling and keeping it from itching constantly.

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